36th Annual Combined Orthopaedic

Spring Symposium

April 22-23, 2022

Prince Waikiki


Hawaii Orthopaedic Association

36th Annual Combined Orthopaedic Spring Symposium

April 22-23, 2022

Prince Waikiki

Friday, April 22, 2022

*Abstract links in blue below

6:00 AM          Registration/Continental Breakfast/Exhibits

7:00                 Welcome and Opening Remarks - Kyle Mitsunaga, MD

7:15                 Board of Councilors Update - Craig Ono, MD

7:30                 Physician Wellness Lecture - Jennifer Beals

8:00-8:30         Paul Moroz, MD - INORMUS: The International Orthopedic Multicenter Study of Fracture Care

8:30-9:00         Resident Research Panel (Shoulder and Elbow Moderator) - Kyong Min, MD

         8:30              Jeffrey Wake, MD - Quantification of Difference in Glenoid Bone Loss Measurement Techniques

         8:40              Austin McCadden, MD - Lower Trapezius Tendon Transfer for Brachial Plexopathy

         8:50              Anthony Magee, MD - Primary Repair of a Distal Biceps Tendon Rupture has a High Complication Rate with                                      an Overall Successful Return to Function

         9:00              Gordon Lee, MD - Shoulder Arthrodesis: A System Review and Meta-Analysis

9:10-9:30         Resident Panel Discussion

9:30-10:00       BREAK - Exhibits Open

10:00-10:45     Keynote: Keith Berend, MD - Being a Compartmentalist

10:45-11:30     Honored Speaker: Joshua Green, MD—Healthcare in the Pandemic Era

11:30-12:30     LUNCH

12:30-1:15       Keynote: Christopher "Max" Hoshino, MD - Bone Defect Treatment Options

1:15-1:45         Resident Research Panel (Upper Extremity Moderator - Kevin Krul, MD)

           1:15             Hannah Imlay, MD - Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy is an Effective Treatment for Ulnar Impaction Syndrome                                       in a High Demand Athletic Population

         1:25              John Livingstone, MD - Optimizing the Orientation of a Suture Button to Stabilize the Distal Radioulnar Joint                                     in a Bone Model

         1:35              Maggie Scribner, MD - Fireworks-Related Injuries Presenting to US Emergency Rooms – An Epidemiological                                       Study

1:45-2:00         Resident Panel Discussion

2:00-2:30         BREAK - Exhibits Open

2:30-3:00         Cass Nakasone, MD - Choosing Appropriate Patients for Outpatient Arthroplasty: What I’ve Learned, Applied in                                 Practice and Results Thus Far

3:00-3:30         Resident Research Panel (Orthopedic Oncology Moderator - Sean Kelly, MD)      

         3:00              Connor Venrick, MD - Sclerostin Expression in Giant Cell Tumor of Bone and Correlation to Patient Factors

         3:10              Collin Walsh, MD - Screw Cannulated Cementoplasty for Periarticular Metastatic Bone Lesions

         3:20              Connor Zale, MD - Surgical Prophylaxis with Vancomycin for Uninstrumented Spine Surgeries:

                                   A Meta-analysis

3:30-3:45         Resident Panel Discussion

3:45                 Day 1 Closing Remarks - Dr. Kyle Mitsunaga

4:00                 Program Ends/Exhibits Open

4:45-7:00 PM  Reception

Saturday, April 23, 2022

6:00 AM         Registration/Continental Breakfast/Exhibits

7:00                Welcome and Opening Remarks - Kyle Mitsunaga, MD

7:15-8:00        Keynote: Keith Berend, MD - Outpatient Arthroplasty: Home Safe, Same Day

8:00-8:25        Resident & Medical Student Research Panel (Total Joint Moderator - Andrew Richardson, MD)

         8:00            Thomas Kane, IV, MD - Simultaneous Bilateral Versus Unilateral Total Joint Arthroplasty Outcomes in                                                Octogenarians

         8:10            Krystin Wong, MS3 - OARA score, ASA and CCI are Poor at Predicting Failure in Outpatient Total Joint                                                   Arthroplasty

         8:15            Ryan Nguyen, MS3 - Risk Stratification for Same Day Discharge: An Evaluation of Three Comorbidity Indices

         8:20            Edward Weldon, MS3 - Extended Offset Femoral Stem Use in Anterior Approach Total Hip Arthroplasty

8:25-8:45        Resident Panel Discussion

8:45-9:00        Paul Moroz, MD - H.O.P.E. for Ukraine: The “Hawaii Orthopedic Project for External-Fixators”

9:00-9:30        BREAK - Exhibits Open

9:30-10:15      Keynote: Christopher "Max" Hoshino, MD - Problem Ankle Fractures

10:15-10:50    Resident Panel Discussion (Sports Moderator - Brian Mannino, MD)

          10:15         Andrew Lopez, MD - Correlation of Stress Radiographs to Injuries Associated with Lateral Ankle Instability

          10:25         Daniel Goldberg MD - Measurement for Combined Cam and Pincer Pathology as a Predictor of Impingement

          10:35         Alicia Unangst, MD - Surgical Intervention for Lateral Epicondylitis is Effective After Failed Conservative                                          Treatment

10:45-11:00    Resident Panel Discussion

11:00-11:30    Kanu Okike, MD - Updates From The Kaiser Permanente Hip Fracture Registry

11:30-12:00    Medical Student Panel (Moderator: Cass Nakasone, MD)

          11:30          Kyle Obana, MS3 - Medical Student Authorship Trends: A 10-Year Analysis of Four Major Orthopaedic                                               Journals

          11:35          Julian Rimm, MS3 - Comparison of Early Outcomes Comparing Two Total Knee Implant Designs

          11:40          Amelia Hummel, MS3 - Quadratus Lumborum Type 3 Block vs Paravertebral Nerve Block Evaluation in                                             Anterior Approach Total Hip Arthroplasty. 

          11:45          Dylan Combs, MS3 - Reducing Transfusion in Hip Arthroplasty: Tranexemic Acid Diminishes Influence of                                           Anesthesia Administered

          11:50          Landon Morikawa, MS2 - Safety of Single-Staged Bilateral Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Age >70.

          11:55          Makoa Mau, MS2—Comparison of Early Failures and Patient Reported Outcomes Between Press-Fit and                                          Cemented TKA

12:00-12:15    Medical Student Panel Discussion


1:00 PM          PROGRAM ENDS

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